Tuesday 11 December 2012

Weird Japanese sweet #5 Watapachi grape candy

Posted by Unknown at 9:46 am

Who doesn't love cotton candy? It's one of the most beloved of all children's fantasies.

Who doesn't love pop rocks? It's the other one of the most beloved of all children's fantasies.

And so... some Einstein managed to come out with the idea of having this mutated version of a fantasy, by combining these two, very strange creatures into one.
Introducing, the Watapachi grape candy! Of course, it had to be the japanese that would do it, since all the crazy cool stuff comes from the land of the rising sun.

Now, as I sit here typing with pop rocks blasting away on my tongue, I tell you this. This is one awesome candy. seriously. The minute I opened the bag, a poof of grapey air escaped from within, and it smelled wonderful. kinda like those sour-ish grape flavoured hard sweets. 
At first I wasn't quite sure if I had understood it correctly. Are you sure it's a candy? It kinda looks like diaper fillings. a whole wad of purple, nice smelling diaper fillings. But no matter, I tore it open and it was like a less-sticky version of cotton candy. Not quite as airy as I had expected it. Perhaps it was because I made the huge mistake of stuffing it into the fridge. (Lesson learned: don't stuff cotton candy into cold, damp places.)

It melts straight away, as it touches the tip of your tongue, and if you're lucky to get some on your first bite, you'll have soft, tingling mini explosions ricocheting off the walls of your mouth. The pop rocks are sweet, but the cotton candy balances everything with its sour-ish grapey goodness (Probably artificial, so not that all healthy to be frank. Whoever frank is).

I guess this could be the japanese version of popin' cotton candy by Vat19.com 

Or maybe the other way round. BUT it doesn't matter who started it first, all I care is that it exists in the first place. I guess you could try getting it by whatever means is easiest for you, though I'd say get more than one packet, because you'd sure be begging for more! At least I did.

Hungry bunny over and out.

Thought of the day: I wonder if it's possible to make a weapon out of a mega pop-rock?

Next up: Bombalaska! (The dessert! the dessert! I have no intention of anything to do with international warfare.)

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