Wednesday 26 December 2012

Sakura Jelly Beans! by Jelly Belly

Posted by Unknown at 11:26 am

   Now this is quite the pleasant surprise. I've been a Jelly Belly fan since ... well, A VERY LONG TIME. "What makes a Jelly Belly bean gourmet?" you ask. Well, simply put, they not only have 50 official flavors to choose from, but their flavors are as close and exact as Jelly beans go. And it's also one of the things on my bucket list to complete trying every single flavor. Hey, you are looking at the company who did Harry Potter's Bertie Bott's every flavor beans after all, so there's no competition to it if you're facing the Jelly Belly company (Though I wouldn't recommend that as a football team name).
    Alright, back to topic. Sakura flavoured Jelly Beans. Honestly, I really didn't know what to expect. I mean, do Sakura flowers even have flavours? And since I did a little introduction on Jelly Belly Beans, it's only right to do another one for Sakura, or Cherry blossoms as some people call them. 
Taken from Google Images.
      If you're big on anime, You should already know a lot about these trees. No it's not only an extremely cliched anime girl name, it's a tree. A really beautiful tree that's also joining the bucket list as something I definitely have to see. I'm not exactly an expert on this, so go all wikipedia on it if you have to.
     SO anyway, here's the introduction on the back of the package:

    It's Sakura Season, and this means the beautiful and delicate cherry blosoms begin to bloom. In honor of this event, Jelly Belly has created a Sakura-flavoured jelly bean! With a mild cherry flavor and pretty pink white coloring, this jelly bean is sure to bring out the spirit of the season.

    And here's an introduction I did myself without all the marketing gimmicks and ploys:

    Cherry flavored jelly bean with neat coloring.

    Because that's exactly what it is. I'm not trying to be mean or negative or anything, but I'm just stating my honest opinion. I was disappointed. Truly disappointed. I mean, we're talking about the company that makes pencil shavings and rotten egg flavored beans! I mean, compared to pencil shavings, how hard is it to really have sakura flower extract at least in your ingredients list? Okay, I'm being a complete whiny baby here, but at least it didn't taste all that bad. 
     They really took cherry blossoms literally this time. And cherry blossoms taste absolutely nothing like cherries. But if you like cherry flavored sweets, then I guess you wouldn't really mind having them. But my mum told me it tasted like cough syrup. And as I'm eating a bean now, I can't help but think that it does taste like cough syrup, though I know some people who actually like the flavour. I think i got used to it already, so I'm poppin' them in like popcorn as I type.

But If you truly want the real deal, the mind blowingly awesome Jelly Belly experience, I suggest sticking to the original 50. They come in a box, pretty expensive, but worth it for a share with your family and friends. 

Here's some extras on the other incredible flavours that they have:
Beanbozzled - Great for a neat game of truth or dare/spin the bottle

The big Five-Oh
And as always...

Hungry Bunny over and out!

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