Wednesday 19 December 2012

FOOD QUESTS! (For the Lazy)

Posted by Unknown at 2:14 pm

You know how recipes online are really hard to follow? Well, they seem kinda cold and unfriendly to me, it's like as if they don't care if what you produce will be nice and all. So...

Perhaps I should start a whole NEW project. Sort of like a food quest. 

First, find something I've never tried cooking. Something random. Fun. But easy since I'm no Masterchef. 

Then, I'll get a recipe online, and cook. Done. Hopefully it'll be a legitimate recipe, so I don't end up with some scam of a dish. I wonder if there are people out there whose life ambitions are to screw up people's dinners. They would probably write fake recipes online while rubbing their gritty old mustaches and OKAY THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

I'll split this into two parts, Part 1 would be the recipe finding, and you can (whoever you are) follow me if you decide you wanna try it as well. Of course, this will be all through the eyes of a complete amateur, so you'll learn from the mistakes I would probably make and if the recipe's all professional and stuff, I'll break it up in layman terms. Plus, I'll add in some stuff I found useful and ingredients that you could substitute with if you don't have them. (Because I'm lazy, and you most probably would be too.) Part 2 would be the actual cooking and taste test.

I'm hoping that this will serve as a sort of informal recipe thing, for anyone who wants a guide to cooking stuff, that is if you have the same problem that I do: Trouble with online recipes that are so short and bare, it's like they don't even care. 

I'm working on one now, but you'll probably have to bare with my random rants and opinions, but HOPEFULLY they'll serve as somewhat of a form of entertainment! Hopefully. 

Hungry Bunny over and out!

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