Monday 24 September 2012

How To Make Caramel Apples (Easy)

Posted by Unknown at 5:00 pm

These apples make me feel as if I'm that witch from snow white, cackling away in front of a pot of bubbling death goo. Fortunately, these apples don't boil with evil at all. In fact, I could eat these every day as long as diabetes doesn't catch up with me.

What you need:
1) apples, small ones. You don't
Want to choke yourself.
2) caramel cubes. Mine were vanilla flavoured but anythings fine.
3) cookies, for making the crumb coating
4) ice cream sticks
5) two pots, big and small

Boil some water in your big pot. While waiting for your water to boil, gather the caramel cubes into the small pot, and add a little water so that it's easier for the caramels to melt.
Also, stick the ice cream sticks into the apples, it's easier than you think!
Next, crush the cookies into chunky crumbles and store in a wide bowl.
When the water starts to boil, place the small pot into the boiling water and let the caramels melt. When it starts to get all gooey and sticky, stir it with a 'twist' like motion, it helps in breaking up the caramel.
When the caramel melts into a smooth, silky texture, dip the apples into the Caramel and evenly coat them by spinning them round slowly until the caramel starts to harden. Dip the apples into the crumbs and you're done!

Now you must be wondering about what you should do with the caramel left overs, well, there's a whole lot of things you can do, don't waste! Make caramel tea! Stuff them into ice cream! Fruits, biscuits! Anything really.

I bet the person who made this was totally feeling guilty about eating so many caramels. I mean, anyone would feel better just eating these. "oh, look! Here's an apple! I'm not being overly indulgent, I'm being...HEALTHY. Yes, that's right."


Hungry bunny over and out~

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