Tuesday 18 September 2012

Do You Dare? #1 Lassi - the indian spice drink

Posted by Unknown at 3:55 pm
Looks reasonably normal? Think again. That green thing's
CORIANDER. In a drink.
   There's Lassi you find in your average Indian coffee shop, and then there's this.

What's better than washing down the heat from your plate of chicken masala with a tall glass of explosive spices? Nothing, that's what. The more heat the better, eh? Now, for all you non-cultural people out there, Lassi is an Indian drink based from yogurt, blended with water and a ton of spices.  
   I'm used to drinking the usual salty Lassi you find in any Malaysian coffee shop. It's kind of bland, but really salty, like cream cheese mixed with sour cream. Amazingly, i kinda like it like that. So, that was what I was expecting when I ordered this at an Indian restaurant back home here in Singapore. WRONG! So, so wrong.
   The Lassi I ordered looked normal, but when I took a large gulp of it, I immediately choked. Spices. Spices everywhere! The spices soon extended its reign over my taste buds, even going on to filling up my nostrils, a sharp sting of smoke and heat. My throat dried out as soon as the liquid touched my tongue. I could see them, bits of thingys floating around amidst the white. I had a fun time guessing how many spices there were.
   Most cocktails get garnished with a fresh sprig of mint, well, that's not good enough for Mrs. Lassi, apparently. She just had to choose CORIANDER. In a yogurt drink. How weird is that?
   Okay, after awhile, I got used to it. I finished the whole thing. Don't believe me? Here's proof.

Okay, forgive me for not finishing the coriander.
I tried my best.

Yogurt, water and spices. Yes I dare.

Hungry bunny over and out~

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