Sunday 30 September 2012

Coris Whistle Candy

Posted by Unknown at 3:37 pm 0 comments
A charming pack of deadly weapons

Whistle candy-Terrorising parents of little kids all over the world. Why you ask?

I got this while wondering around the super market like I always do, and I chanced upon this interesting pack of sweets. I've heard of these before, but I just never got around to trying them
Yet. I wasn't very keen on these though, with all the marketing gimmicks that came along with this candy, I was convinced it didn't taste all that good.
These sweets were probably made to drive adults insane. To whistle, all you really need to do is to wet the candy a bit with saliva before placing it between your lips and then blowing. If you don't wet it, You'd end up with a coarse, high pitched wine. It's really, really ear piercing and LOUD. Glass shatteringly loud. I wouldn't recommend eating this at the library. You'd probably get a lifetime ban.
Taste wise- it wasn't all that great. Just plain old artificial strawberry flavour I guess. Texture? Really chalky and crumbly when you bite into it.
Oh yes, see that box at the bottom? It came with a free gift! A cheap plastic toy crane about the size of half my thumb.
Whistle candy. Why not? Annoy your friends. Annoy your mum while she's doing the chores. Annoy your neighbours. I'm sure they won't mind having squeals even higher pitched than dolphins in distress.

Monday 24 September 2012

How To Make Caramel Apples (Easy)

Posted by Unknown at 5:00 pm 0 comments

These apples make me feel as if I'm that witch from snow white, cackling away in front of a pot of bubbling death goo. Fortunately, these apples don't boil with evil at all. In fact, I could eat these every day as long as diabetes doesn't catch up with me.

What you need:
1) apples, small ones. You don't
Want to choke yourself.
2) caramel cubes. Mine were vanilla flavoured but anythings fine.
3) cookies, for making the crumb coating
4) ice cream sticks
5) two pots, big and small

Boil some water in your big pot. While waiting for your water to boil, gather the caramel cubes into the small pot, and add a little water so that it's easier for the caramels to melt.
Also, stick the ice cream sticks into the apples, it's easier than you think!
Next, crush the cookies into chunky crumbles and store in a wide bowl.
When the water starts to boil, place the small pot into the boiling water and let the caramels melt. When it starts to get all gooey and sticky, stir it with a 'twist' like motion, it helps in breaking up the caramel.
When the caramel melts into a smooth, silky texture, dip the apples into the Caramel and evenly coat them by spinning them round slowly until the caramel starts to harden. Dip the apples into the crumbs and you're done!

Now you must be wondering about what you should do with the caramel left overs, well, there's a whole lot of things you can do, don't waste! Make caramel tea! Stuff them into ice cream! Fruits, biscuits! Anything really.

I bet the person who made this was totally feeling guilty about eating so many caramels. I mean, anyone would feel better just eating these. "oh, look! Here's an apple! I'm not being overly indulgent, I'm being...HEALTHY. Yes, that's right."


Hungry bunny over and out~

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Do You Dare? #1 Lassi - the indian spice drink

Posted by Unknown at 3:55 pm 0 comments
Looks reasonably normal? Think again. That green thing's
CORIANDER. In a drink.
   There's Lassi you find in your average Indian coffee shop, and then there's this.

What's better than washing down the heat from your plate of chicken masala with a tall glass of explosive spices? Nothing, that's what. The more heat the better, eh? Now, for all you non-cultural people out there, Lassi is an Indian drink based from yogurt, blended with water and a ton of spices.  
   I'm used to drinking the usual salty Lassi you find in any Malaysian coffee shop. It's kind of bland, but really salty, like cream cheese mixed with sour cream. Amazingly, i kinda like it like that. So, that was what I was expecting when I ordered this at an Indian restaurant back home here in Singapore. WRONG! So, so wrong.
   The Lassi I ordered looked normal, but when I took a large gulp of it, I immediately choked. Spices. Spices everywhere! The spices soon extended its reign over my taste buds, even going on to filling up my nostrils, a sharp sting of smoke and heat. My throat dried out as soon as the liquid touched my tongue. I could see them, bits of thingys floating around amidst the white. I had a fun time guessing how many spices there were.
   Most cocktails get garnished with a fresh sprig of mint, well, that's not good enough for Mrs. Lassi, apparently. She just had to choose CORIANDER. In a yogurt drink. How weird is that?
   Okay, after awhile, I got used to it. I finished the whole thing. Don't believe me? Here's proof.

Okay, forgive me for not finishing the coriander.
I tried my best.

Yogurt, water and spices. Yes I dare.

Hungry bunny over and out~

Sunday 2 September 2012

How to Fry the Perfect Bacon

Posted by Unknown at 7:50 pm 0 comments
Bacon Bacon Bacon Bacon Bacon YUMM
   Yes, everyone adores fat, thick slices of bacon just oozing with rich yummy oil. Oh, and also not forgetting the crispy edges, teeming with salty goodness. Now, the question is... How do we get that?
  Sure sure, I may like my Bacon sweet and chewy, but you might like it salty and crunchy. Heck, someone out there probably likes it boiled in vinegar. The point is, there are NO RULES when it comes to bacon, anything goes! Yeah, I mean it. If there's Bacon lip balm and Bacon ice cream, I doubt anything can stand in the way of the unrelentless quickly advancing Bacon kingdom. 
   Well, Here's MY approach to frying up the perfect Bacon slice. If you're up for sweet, chewy Bacon, then this is for you. It's really really simple.
What you Need:
1)Bacon (yeah duh.)
3)Oil (Whatever oil's fine. But if you're feelin' classy, EXTRA virgin's good)
2)Garlic (Chopped)
3)Rosemary (fresh if possible)
4)Basil (finely chopped
5)Some freshly squeezed lemon juice
     So, Once you've got everything sorted out on a table, (You don't want to end up burning your babies just because you left the pepper in the fridge) Preheat your frying pan. Then, Add a little oil (Very very little. Your bacon's got enough oil in it to cook itself, so don't worry) to coat the pan so that it doesn't stick. 
     Now, throw in your garlic and let sizzle until you can smell the heavenly aroma.
  Place your Bacon strips onto the pan, and then drizzle honey over the slices. Make sure everything's evenly coated before you flip them over.
   Drizzle more honey onto the other side. When the oil from the bacon slices starts oozing out, toss in your rosemary leaves and take care not to shove them into one corner of a pan (They'll get lonely) Rub them into the bacon, and make sure the flavours mingle. 
  Add a squeeze of lemon, and pinch of pepper, and once your Bacon's ready, turn the fire off and let cool. Sprinkle some basil (Well, anything looks great with basil) and you're done!

 It should look something like the picture above, unless you're a horrible cook or if you've left the pepper in the fridge even though I warned you. TIPS! Don't add too much honey. You will be tempted to, trust me. But JUST don't. really. 

Have fun! Hungry Bunny over and out~


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