Tuesday 21 August 2012

Popin Cookin Review - Curry rice set (カレーセット)

Posted by Unknown at 5:33 pm
Sorry about the picture,
I hope your necks don't crank from the angle...
Yes!!! The all new Popin Cookin Curry rice Set!!! That actually TASTES like Curry rice. Anyway, this set includes:
1) Curry sauce (Duh.)
2) Rice (Ditto)
3) 'chicken nougats'
The process in doing this is REALLY really easy. It's so easy that it's almost impossible to mess this up. I should know, just scroll down and take a look at the popin cookin Sushi I ended up with. Not good. But this? It's so straight forward that you don't even need to watch any video tutorials even if you can't read the japanese instructions on the back. well, at least my friend and I didn't have to and it ended up lookin' quite appetising. The hardest part of the whole set would most probably be moulding the nougats into...gasp! spherical balls. How difficult.
   I gotta say, Kracie really outdid themselves with this addition to the popin cookin family. This set has got to be the best tasting set amongst all of them. (The burger one was good too, but that one was just plain weird) and also, the most believable and swallowable one of them all. The curry sauce is as good as any other instant curries you can get in the supermarket. The rice tastes like rice but slightly more seasoned (Still good anyway) and the nougats, well, some of you may not like it because of its doughy texture. But it tastes SOOOO goood. The nougats are coated with rice crisps, and I thought that to be quite ingenious of them. It really did have a fried texture to it with the rice crisps, and the flavours mingled well with one another when mixed. If you ever get this set, I'd recommend trying each part out individually just for the experience, and then mixing in the curry and the rice together. They taste WONDERFUL together. really! Okay, so the texture and the lack of heat might take some time getting used to, but once you are, (If you're a seasoned popin cookin taster like me) Then you'd really really enjoy this one. I advice first timers to get this one if you're searching for something easy and magical tasting. Then you can move on to harder ones like the hamburger set and ...gasp again! Sushi.
Here's a pic of the finished product:
Yes thats right. Mini peas and carrots in the curry. 
Ahhh....I wish i had a Maximising ray gun. Then I could blast this baby into a fully sized lunch meal for one. Along with the other miniature Barbie toys so that they'd ACTUALLY be useful.

Hungry bunny over and out~

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