Wednesday 11 July 2012

Weird Japanese sweet #4 (Puccho white strawberry)

Posted by Unknown at 7:24 pm
Does this not pull on your curiosity strings or what?

     Yes, another Puccho candy that's as ridiculously flavoured as its other relatives. white strawberry flavour (Or pineberry as some people call it) I had to get it the second I laid my eyes on the thing.
   So, anyway. This does taste like strawberry, but its slightly more sour and has an interesting citrus taste to it-which is really quite uncommon in normal strawberry flavoured candies. Initially, I had thought it to be some sort of gimmick, that it was really just plain ol' ordinary strawberry flavour, BUT NO! A glance at the ingredients list told me otherwise. For there, printed in the tinniest black font was the words ' White strawberry puree'. Really, this company goes all the way to get you a unique treat. Go on, get it if you've seen it on the shelves but doubt its tastiness.
   Or maybe you're one of the people who walk past it thinking its ordinary strawberry. If so, well, there IS a slight difference. Slight. But it is there, so why not add it to your collection of Pucchos?? Mine's growing bigger and I have not regretted any of it yet.

Hungry Bunny gives this a 7/10 for its intriguing quality. Or maybe an 8/10 for tasting really good. ah whatever, get it and see for yourself!! Over and out~

2 comments on "Weird Japanese sweet #4 (Puccho white strawberry)"

Anonymous said...

hi rachel, where did you purchase this candy? i have been looking for ages. btw, i am from singapore too. (",)v

Unknown on 1 January 2013 at 16:49 said...

Hello! You should be able to find this at any 7-eleven store at the counter area:) They sell it only sometimes at random stores, So I guess you have to be pretty lucky to find one of these! Good luck and keep searching! Other places that I've seen this include NTUC and Cheers stores.

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