Tuesday 24 July 2012

Ikoi Japanese restaurant review

Posted by Unknown at 5:39 pm

Ikoi Japanese Restaurant

 One of the most interesting things about Japanese food is the way its prepared, and this AUTHENTIC 
Japanese restaurant is no exception. Who gets to drink soup from a teapot? or slurp down a bowl of  green tea rice? (Which is really Rice in green tea) Seriously! The minute you step into the place it feels like a transportation to a whole other country (Perhaps japan).  Ducking under the Noren Curtain hanging in the doorway, you're immediately greeted with shelves and walls full of cute japanese ornaments and pictures of other guests who've stepped through the very same path. 
     The waitresses are all in their Kimonos and you are immediately greeted with a high chorus of irasshaimase! The place is relatively small in size, but it just adds to the warm and cosy charm of a small shop in Japan. Now, the restaurant offers an all you can eat ala carte buffet, of which food items consist of everything in the Menu. I'll leave the items on the menu as a surprise, though you might have to ask the waitresses about what some of the food names mean (Since its all in japanese)
Mystery of the day:
Green tea? Seafood soup? WHAT IS THIS?!

The first thing they'd serve you would be a pot of what looks like green tea, which is already confusing on its own. But on a closer inspection, you'd realise its a different thing altogether. It's Seafood soup! as the waitress told us, Its a broth made of seafood and honestly, it'll be one of the best soups you'd ever taste. The flavours are clean and not overpowering like how some other seafood soups are like. One word sums it all up - Pleasant. 

Chawanmushi that's so soft you could die.

Fried everything that's nice

Okay, this I gotta say. It looks unoffensive enough, and sounds normal. Wild Japanese Yam? sure. no problem. It comes in tiny, tiny slices, topped with crisps of seaweed. Delicately pick one slice up with chopsticks and take a small chunk of it, and you will experience the strangest thing EVER. Its slimey, even though it has the texture of a chinese yellow pear. As in, the thing OOZES with slimey stuff with every bite. seriously!

Looks like the waitress blindfolded herself and poured
tea in the wrong place
What do you get when you cross Matcha, salmon slices and rice? THIS. I was actually pretty disappointed with this one. I thought it'd be more of an interesting, pleasurable experience, but this just goes to say that Things DO taste as weird as they sound. It was waaaay too salty, and bitter. The green tea mixes horribly with the rice, and there's a really weird aftertaste that stubbornly lingers on your tongue. Although I guess the risk of the adventure proved to be kind of fun. I mean, No one, and I say no one, would have ever eaten this for dinner. (Unless it was an accident of course.)

Alright, so that's the end of this review, I'll let the pictures do most of the talking for today. If you ever want a nice, exotic, non-cliched restaurant to take all your rich friends to and show off, here's the place for you.  You can find this place located at a cosy corner in Hotel Miramar, Singapore. Good day to you!

Hungry bunny over and out!

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