Saturday 7 July 2012

Weird Japanese Sweet #2 (Japanese Cigarette sweet)

Posted by Unknown at 11:33 pm
hmmm...influencing on little girls to smoke?

I came across this peculiar looking box while I was 'sweet hunting' at a small convenient store. Honestly, it didn't look that appetizing, but the cute packaging got to me. See, these are really old childhood sweets here in Singapore, and are kinda plain and boring, being chalk-like and white with no colours and everything, but they do give a sense of nostalgia in some way. Why not? a nice road trip down memory lane with only the cost of 30 cents. Don't hesitate to pick these up and be a kid again, you know, holding the white stick between your index and middle finger, 'smoking' your lungs out while enjoying a nice strawberry taste on your tongue. Well, of course, being me, I just chewed the whole thing up as I couldn't be bothered to wait out half an hour sucking on the thing.

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