Wednesday 20 June 2012

Popin' Cookin' review

Posted by Unknown at 11:26 pm
What's more fun than defying the phrase, "Don't play with your food"?
Nothing. That's what. So, for those of you who have absolutely no idea what japanese sweet wonderland is, Here's the link.
Now, I'm a HUGE fan of Japanese stuff, so Me and my friends got the Sushi candy, The hamburger set, and the Nerunerunerune Ramune(soda flavoured) ones.
Of course, It's best getting together with friends who wanna have a laugh to do this. It's really more fun with people you can share this fun experience with.


Here's how the front of the box looks like-yes it looks like
a 4 year old's play toy, but I kid you not. It's serious business.
Unlike most other reviews, I personally find this to be quite tasty. Well, let's start off by rating the individual pieces, shall we?

Texture: ain't too bad. If you like those kuehs from Malay cuisine, you know, the spongy one, you'd like this.

Taste: It tastes grapey, a mild sweet grapey flavour. and kinda Cakey too.

Texture: It's like jam but firmer, very mushy, and not at all chewy as I expected from the picture.

Taste: Okay, honestly, it tastes exactly like the grape flavoured Jellies you can get in a tube.

Texture: It's exactly like Egg roe(!!!). The grape flavoured liquid enclosed in the thin skin of jelly imitates the real deal so well it's hard to tell the difference. Besides it...being...grape flavoured and not at all fishy I guess.

Taste: Grape (Yes it's all grape if you haven't realised by now) but slightly more tangy than the others.

Texture: Believe it or not, the seaweed was my FAVOURITE. It's gum (I LOVE chewy stuff), and really sticky and chewy, and if you live in a hot climate like me, It's gonna end up a black sticky melted mess if you don't deal with it soon. plus it sticks to your teeth so watch out for that. No one wants a black mess stuck in your gums.

Taste: It's slightly sour (Grape) but it doesn't make you squint your eyes in its sour-ness or anything. And I love sour stuff. really!

Texture: as liquid as soy sauce can get, and the colour's really real too.

Taste: It's like grape flavoured drinks.

Here are some more pictures:
Makin' the egg roe
Alright alright, I know it's not top-notch quality work, but hey-try
it yourself and see how hard it really is.

Hamburger set
Here's a video if you wanna watch it

Hamburger Set. You'll need a microwave for this.
Texture:'s hard to describe this one. I guess it's like really really soft cookies. The ones that have been left out in the open for a very long time.

Taste: It does taste like bread, just that it's got a hint of seasoning so it's not too close to the real thing.

Texture: Exactly like cheesey, just not stringy or chewy. It breaks up really easily.

Taste: As AWESOME as cheese can taste.

Texture: This one feels like the hamburg you get in a quarter pounder in Mcdonalds, just without the juices. It's really crumbly and not at all chewy.
Taste: Very heavily seasoned. But all in all not bad for meat that comes from powder.

Texture: Crunchy on the outside with something like instant mashed potato on the inside
Taste: REALLY REALLY GOOD, it's all starchy and potatoey.

Texture: believe it or not-Fizzy!
Taste: It's not that bad, though it tastes like the liquified version of cola hard candy-and a little too sweet for my taste.

TIP: See, we didn't really have a microwave at home. So i'm here to tell you that it's actually Okay using an oven to cook the stuff. Just make sure you watch it properly so that it doesn't burn and that the plastic doesn't ruin your oven.

Here's the finished product:
YUM YUM! Burger set for one

It lost all its bubbles by the time we were done :( 

Nerunerunerune Ramune
Video link here

Some sort of alien gooey foam?

texture: Foamy. Gooey. Sticky.

Taste: Okay, It wasn't what I expected. I thought it would be really tangy and refreshing, and maybe even carbonated, but no. It's really sweet, and tart, and it does taste like soda. And when I say soda, I mean like the Japanese kinds like Calpis. not sprite Soda.


texture: Hard. Rocky. Okay okay i'ts a joke, but it ain't wrong. It's like the texture of mints, the kind that breaks without any protest if you bite into it. It won't make that "C-Rack!" Sound, so that's good for your teeth.

taste: Sweet, and slightly tangy actually.

Seriously Get it, it's not too expensive, and I guarantee you the FUN Factor. If you live in Singapore, You can get it in Jcube and Marina Square('Cactus' lvl 2)

Hungry Bunny - Over and out.

1 comments on "Popin' Cookin' review"

Annusya Pipi on 12 November 2015 at 19:19 said...

What temperature was the oven set to and how long did you bake the thingies? I don't have a microwave either and I really want to make this one :D I'm going to wrap some aluminum foil around the little bun and burger molds so I don't have to put plastic in the toaster oven, lol :D

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