Tuesday 9 October 2012

MAGIC Ice cream for a dollar! - The pasar malam

Posted by Unknown at 6:18 pm
Oooohh, what's this I see?
      Ahhh... Singapore's very own traveling night market, a carnival that pops up out of nowhere in the middle of town. The pasar malam is a charming array of food, daily essentials and (slightly outdated) fashion, set up under rows and rows of tents that will, if you're lucky enough, stretch out for long distances, winding its way between HDB flats and streets.
    Of course, it disappears just as suddenly as it appears, so whenever one does come around, I will make sure I get my stock of stuff. Every pasar malam sells almost exactly the same things, from Ramly Burgers to taiwanese hot dog on a stick; deep fried mushrooms and mua chi (pieces of glutinous rice flour coated with crushed peanuts), but occasionally, something special makes its way into the menu.
   Now, this isn't the first time I've seen them selling *MAGIC* Ice cream, but it is a rare phenomenon. "So, what's so magical about this Ice cream anyway?" you ask. Well, I'll show you.

Do you dare take a closer look?

    As you take a step closer to that mysterious looking pot, you see rows and rows of equally mysterious looking potion bottles. hmmm...I wonder what's in them? Boiled unicorn hair perhaps?
   You see the wizard bent over his cauldron, muttering some strange words, "One for a dollar...one for a dollar..." It must be some powerful spell!
    He prods the sticks bobbing up and down in the cauldron and you feel a little more brave. You peer into the cauldron.

    The wizard takes a bottle and uncaps it with a twist. You hear a soft, sizzling sound from the opening of the potion bottle and you see tiny bubbles swarming out of the yellow liquid. That potion must be of unicorn origin! How else would it display such power?
    You dare yourself to touch the cauldron while the wizard's not looking. You immediately jerk back your finger as the surface is freezing cold. The power...oh the power!
  You can't stand it any longer, and you order one stick of that yellow liquid. The wizard gives you a yellow, crooked smile and grabs onto one of the sticks sticking out of the pot. He slides it out, and amazingly, the yellow liquid you saw earlier had somehow hardened onto the stick! 
Finally! you have your share of power
   The wizard hands the stick over to you as you give him a dollar coin in return. You lick it gently, and magically, it tastes exactly like Kickapoo! How odd! The wizard is a genius!

So... do you see now? I hope my little narrative was good enough in displaying its awesome magic. One can never truly express how magical MAGIC ice cream is. Well, I tried my best.

Hungry Bunny Over and out *with a magical poof!*~

3 comments on "MAGIC Ice cream for a dollar! - The pasar malam"

Unknown on 8 September 2017 at 19:01 said...

Any idea where
Can i buy or purchase this machine?

Unknown on 27 November 2017 at 23:57 said...

Hi, would like to check which pasar malam is it. thank:)

Unknown on 28 November 2017 at 06:56 said...

Not sure .inquiries only if you have idea where can i buy this equipment..thanks

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