Tuesday 29 January 2013

Hello Kitty Themed Sweets!

Posted by Unknown at 6:26 pm
$2 for each -.-
Hello Kitty Candy Chews! They come in a four flavours, Milk, Strawberry, Grape and Peach. But I, being someone who can hardly afford all four of them, only bought two of the flavours that I thought would be nice-ish. Really, they are quite expensive for candy, and that's coming from me.

Alright, first up, We've got this cute little pack of Milk candy. There's ten in a pack, and they're all individually wrapped in Hello Kitty print foils, kinda like Hi-Chew.

Plain Picture with no effects

 First Impression: Not very impressive. Looks like the average milk candy to me. You know, kind of like the White Rabbit sweets. I rate it about a 5 outta 10. It's way too chewy and irritatingly gets stuck in between the gaps of your teeth, and it's got a really strong, sweet, milky taste which is a tad bit too much. Eatable, yes, but I wouldn't buy it again. I'd stick with White Rabbits, especially since I paid a hefty sum for this, I'm not particularly happy at all. I guess it's fine for a one day thing.

Too much like a hi-chew. really.
I personally like the strawberry flavoured one a hell lot better. It's EXACTLY like a Hi-Chew, I mean come on, it even LOOKS exactly like it, blushing a nice strawberry pink right in the middle. It's a nice, fruity, artificial strawberry flavour, not as sticky, and quite pleasant to the taste. So if you like Hi-Chews ... I'd still stick with Hi-Chews because this is really, way too overpriced just for Hello Kitty's face on the wrapping (Which you are, eventually going to throw away in the end I might add). 7 outta 10.

 Next Up, This cute tin of Cupcake-flavoured Hello Kitty Mints. Okay, I gotta admit it - These are just darn cute. They have these in either Blue, or Yellow colours for the cover with Hello Kitty's face on it. But I think the mints in both are no different. I was really looking forward to eating these. As I pried opened the tin, it's like as if a poof of marshmallow gas had just exploded in my face. Really, the scent was amazing! Sad to say the taste of it wasn't as strong as I'd thought it'd be.

It's a hard, powdery thing that I would have probably mistaken for Vitamin tablets if I hadn't known any better. Besides it's cute cupcake shape and pretty pink colour, it's a really light, sweet sugar taste, but that's all, really. After a while of sucking it I can hardly even taste anything else. Cupcake flavoured mints? More like disappointment in a can. I guess the cute tin's a keeper either ways.

Overall, I have to say that this was a rather disappointing adventure. I learned my lesson, and I'll probably not expect too much out of sweets stuffed full of gimmicks.

If you're still up for buying it, you can find these in any Watsons store in Singapore, it has a shelf dedicated to all things Hello Kitty including Hello Kitty plasters, mosquito bracelets, and make up. I know. Random. But hey, it's cute, though I wouldn't pour out my wallet that readily for them.

And as always,

Hungry bunny over and out, Bunnies - way better than kitty cats. Seriously.

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