Monday 12 November 2012

Another Weird Ice cream! (Bamboo charcoal flavour)

Posted by Unknown at 8:14 pm
Not the most appetizing looking thing there is

      Charcoal flavoured ice cream. How delectable. A soft black mush that sits melting into a muddy substance at the bottom of a glass bowl. Now, you might be wondering why I would order something like this in the first place, well, I don't know. I guess I was expecting something surprising.
     Honestly, this disappointed me a little, but I'm not saying that it didn't taste great. Its just like any other old ice cream, and I didn't find stray bits of charcoal in it like what I expected. It tastes really sweet and milky, and I hardly tasted anything different from your regular old vanilla ice cream, but after a few licks, I noticed some grainy substance collecting in between my teeth and on my tongue. Yes. That's the charcoal part of the ice cream. 
    Well, I suppose no one can really make something like charcoal taste good. I mean, it's burnt wood, so I guess I shouldn't expect too much. I wonder why anyone would want to create such a flavour though, I've heard of its detoxifying properties, but seriously, I wouldn't ever want to swallow down the stuff you put in barbecue pits.
      In case you're wondering and if you'd like to try this, you can find this in Malaysia at Warakuya Japanese restaurant in JB. And even if you're not a huge fan of Charcoal Ice cream, they have some pretty awesome food, and one of the thickest salmon slices i've ever been served in a japanese restaurant.
More pictures:

Hungry Bunny over and out~ (Well, in this case I was absolutely stuffed and I probably won't be hungry for... A VERY LONG TIME.

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